Terms of Use

When you access our website, you agree to our terms and conditions, so please take a few moments to read these Terms of Use. By using our website, you are entering into a legally binding agreement. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you start to use our website. You may wish to print a copy of these Terms of Use for your future reference.

Section A – General

  1. General
    1. These Terms of Use, together with the documents referred to within, regulate the use of our Website and define the legally binding terms on which you access, browse, register or otherwise use the Website and receive the services, (the "Services​"). The Terms of Use apply to all users of the Website, including without limitation unauthenticated users, registered (authenticated) users ("Customers"), registered sellers ("Producers"), users who have registered to set up a local Hamper ("Hosts") and contributors of any content, material, information or services on the Website.
    2. By using our Website in any manner, you confirm that you accept these Terms of Use and that you agree to comply with and be bound by them. You understand that breach of any of these Terms of Use may result in your rights to use the Services on the Website being restricted, suspended or withdrawn.
    3. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you will not have access to the Website or use of the Services.
    4. We may amend these Terms of Use at any time by amending this page. When changed, registered Customers will be required to accept the new Terms of Use before being able to continue use of the website. These Terms of Use were last updated on 06/04/2019.


  1. Other Applicable Terms
    These Terms of Use also refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to your use of our Website, as well as any other operating rules, policies or procedures that may be published from time to time on the Website, each of which is incorporated into these Terms of Use by reference and each of which may be updated by us from time to time:

    1. For Producers and Hosts only, the Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers, which accompany these Terms of Use and take precedence over them in the event of any conflict.
    2. As further detailed in clause 8 below, in respect of any payments made via the Website, Mangopay’s Terms and Conditions apply: MANGOPAY Terms).
    3. For every User of the Website, the Data Privacy Policy relating to the processing of personal data by the Company and the use of cookies on the Website, which accompany these Terms of Use, take precedence over them in the event of any conflict (the "Data Privacy Policy​").


  1. About
    1. The Website is a site owned and operated by Local Hamper.
    2. Our contact details are as follows:


  1. About The Website
    1. The Website is an online marketplace allowing users who comply with our Terms of Use to create and manage, or simply join an online community which is set up and organised by a Host, in order to trade in groceries and other everyday items (the "Products​"). Once registered, users can create personal profiles and use other services on the Website. Hosts are responsible for overseeing the sales facilitated by Local Hamper (the "Sales​") and coordinating the delivery of the Products ordered on the Website (including setting the dates and delivery locations).
    2. The purpose of a Local Hamper is to establish a direct link between the suppliers of Products (the "Producers"), who wish to sell their Products through an alternative outlet to consumers.
    3. We operate the platform and implement the tools and technical means to enable this relationship, but any contract for sale is made directly between the Customer and the Producer. We do not have possession of any Products offered for sale and are not directly involved in the transactions between Customers and Producers. Local Hamper is neither part of the contract of sale between Customers and Producers, nor any other contract concluded between Users of the Website. The Company accepts no liability for any issues which may arise during the conclusion of these contracts.
    4. We do not review Producers’ offers or content on the Website. We have no control over and do not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of Products advertised; the truth or accuracy of Producer’s offers, the ability of Producers to provide the Products; the ability of Customers to pay for Products; or the fulfilment of transactions, the smooth functioning of Collections, or the proper implementation of the contracts entered into between Customers and Producers. We do not provide a guarantee to the Local Hamper Hosts or Producers regarding market outlets or the volume of customers, and shall not be liable to the Local Hamper Hosts or Customers for any guarantee regarding the number and the diversity of Producers.
    5. We do not provide any undertaking regarding,
      • the compliance of Orders with applicable laws and regulations;
      • the compliance of Products with applicable laws and regulations, including their preparation and/or labelling;
      • the conformity of delivered Products with the terms of the contract and the existence of possible hidden defects;
      • the risks linked to transporting, storing, conserving and delivering the Products; or
      • the compliance with hygiene and maintenance rules in regard to the Distribution site.
    6. We cannot give any undertaking, that Products and/or services you purchase from Producers through the Website will be of satisfactory quality, and this and any other such warranties (whether expressed or implied) are disclaimed by us absolutely to the fullest extent permitted by law. This disclaimer does not affect your statutory rights against a Producer. Where you Order goods and/or services through the Website we may disclose your customer information related to that transaction to the relevant Producer.


  1. Accessing our Website and Services
    1. Our Website is made available free of charge to all users, save that Local Hamper and the Local Hamper Hosts are paid through commission paid for by the Producers.
    2. We do not guarantee that our Website, any Content or any of the Services, will always be available or be uninterrupted, or fault-free. Access to our Website is permitted on a temporary basis and we may suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of our Website without notice at any time. We will not be liable to any user of the Website if for any reason the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. Please note that content on our Website may be out of date at any given time and we are under no obligation to update it.
    3. We do not guarantee that our Website, or any Content on it will be free from errors or omissions.
    4. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to have access to our site and are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Website through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.


  1. Membership and Registration
    1. Our Services are available only to, and may only be used by, individuals who are 18 years and older and who can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old and that all registration information you submit is accurate and truthful.
    2. Users who fulfil the requirements above and wish to join a Local Hamper must first register an account to become a Customer of the Website ("Account​"), in accordance with clause 6.3 below, by completing all required fields on the registration form found at the top right corner of the page of any Local Hamper one wishes to join. Users, whether or not already a Customer, can also apply to become a Local Hamper Host or Producer, in accordance with the terms set out in the Special Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers, found on the webiste.
    3. In order to register for an Account, you must provide an email address and secure password, which you may update at any time via the Website. You are solely responsible for keeping your login details (including your password) confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. You will be responsible for all activity and Orders that take place using your login details. In the event of theft, loss, fraud or unauthorized use of a user’s password or account, you must contact us immediately at support@chianti-restaurant.co.uk. In such circumstances, we reserve the right to take any measures we deem appropriate.
    4. Where we have reason to suspect or believe that there has or is likely to be a security breach or other misuse of the Website, we reserve the right to change your password to ensure that your account is no longer compromised.
    5. As a user, you:
      • represent and undertake that all Account information provided is accurate, up to date, honest and not misleading;
      • commit to updating your Account information as and when it changes; and
      • accept sole responsibility for any direct or indirect adverse consequences caused by the inaccuracy of this information or failure to update this information.
    6. The information submitted to create or update an Account constitutes a proof of your identity. We reserve the right to verify, at any time, the accuracy of the information provided and to ask you for any additional documentation or information for the purpose of identity verification.


  1. How to de-register
    1. You can at any time decide to terminate your membership of a Local Hamper and/or change a Local Hamper, through the Local Hamper Page in your Account.
    2. In addition, you can de-register from the Website at any time by sending an email to support@chianti-restaurant.co.uk. We will send you confirmation that your account has been cancelled, after which point you will no longer have access to the Services. Orders placed before unsubscribing will nevertheless be carried out and you will be bound by the terms and conditions of the Order as if you were a Customer, until the Order is completed.


  1. Payments on our Website
    1. All payments made on the Website are processed by a third party payment handler, Mangopay, 10 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, listed under company number B173459, a registered e-money company which provides services for the issuing, use and management of e-money ("Payment Service​"). In Order to buy and sell Products advertised on a Local Hamper, Customers must register and create an electronic wallet account ("e-wallet"), with the Payment Service. Payment cards used for purchasing items on the Website will be saved by our Payment Service Mangopay but you will be able to remove any saved payment card details via your account section.
    2. By having an Account, users agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Payment service https://www.mangopay.com/en_UK/. In the event of any conflict between the Terms and Conditions of the Payment Service on the one hand, and these Terms of Use and/or the Special Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers on the other, the latter will take precedence, with the exception of where applicable law demands the application of the Terms and Conditions of the Payment Service.
    3. The Payment Service is solely responsible for these transactions.


  1. Uploading Content onto our Website
    1. Whenever you make use of a feature that allows the upload of content of any nature (including written, visual, audio, video or other content, including any offer of Products made by Producers) ("Content​") to our Website, you must comply with the rules set out in these Terms of Use.
    2. You are solely responsible for all Content you choose to upload to the Website, which means that if you provide Content in breach of these terms, you may be required to compensate anyone who suffers as a result. Accordingly, you must ensure to respect the usual rules of moderation, politeness, and cordiality with regard to any interaction with other users or exchange of Content on the Website.
    3. You must not use the Website to knowingly harass, threaten, intimidate, blackmail or otherwise abuse another user and if someone asks you not to contact them again, you must not contact them via the Website again.
    4. You must not use messages to send unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations or "spam", or pass on email addresses or any other information on to third parties.
    5. You undertake to us that you possess all the rights and authorisations necessary for the publication of any Content uploaded onto the Website and that the Content does not infringe any third party intellectual property rights. In the event that we receive a complaint in respect of any content posted by you it shall be your sole responsibility to deal with such a complaint and to compensate us for any loss suffered. We reserve the right to remove any such content immediately and/or provide your identity to any third party who is claiming that any such content constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or rights to privacy.
    6. You grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully sub-licensable and transferable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such licence to use the Content you add to our Website, throughout the world in any media, including, for example, for our campaigning purposes or marketing materials. We will not use your Content for marketing or publicity purposes without first contacting you for your permission.
    7. You agree to allow the Company to store or re-format your Content on the Website and display your content on the Website in any way we choose. We will only use personal information in accordance with our Data Privacy Policy.
    8. You agree only to publish Content that is lawful, does not harm public Order, decency or the rights of a third party, does not violate any law or regulation and more generally, which is not likely to expose us to civil or criminal liability.
    9. We act only as a hosting service provider and have no knowledge or control of the Content published by users in the context of the Services. Views expressed by individuals on our Website do not represent the views of Local Hamper. We do not moderate, select, verify or control in any way the Content and we accept no liability for the Content posted by third parties. All complaints must be directed in the first instance to the author of the Content in question or the Local Hamper Host. You may, however notify us of any Content related complaints at support@chianti-restaurant.co.uk.


  1. Prohibited Use of the Website
    1. You must not use the Website for disseminating any of the following Content (this list is not exhaustive):
      • Content which is unlawful, harassing, pornographic, obscene, indecent, shocking, abusive, threatening, inappropriate for family viewing, vulgar, libellous, defamatory, injurious, violent, racist, xenophobic, or Holocaust denying;
      • dishonest, misleading Content, or Content which offers or promotes unlawful, fraudulent or dishonest activities;
      • material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any relevant laws, regulations or code of practice;
      • Content which is harmful to the IT systems of third parties (such as viruses, worms, Trojan Horses etc.); or
      • more generally, Content which is likely to violate the rights of a third party (including intellectual property rights, image rights, etc.) or to be prejudicial to third parties, in any manner or form.


  1. In addition, you must not use the Website for any of the following purposes (this list is not exhaustive):
    • transmitting material containing any form of advertising or promotion for goods and services, junk mail, chain letters or "spam";
    • gaining unauthorised access to other computer systems;
    • interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Website;
    • impersonating another person or otherwise mislead as to the origin of Content;
    • the carrying out of illegal or fraudulent activities, or any activity violating the rights or safety of third parties;
    • the violation of public Order or of applicable laws and regulations;
    • intrusion of a third party’s IT system, or any activity likely to harm, control, interfere with or intercept part or all of a third party’s IT system, or to violate its integrity or safety;
    • the sending of unsolicited emails, and/or marketing or commercial solicitation emails;
    • manipulations aimed at improving the indexing of a third party website;
    • the collection and aggregation of any information present on the Website without Local Hamper’s expressly given authorisation;
    • the assistance or incitement, in any manner or form, of one or several of the aforementioned acts and activities; or
    • more generally, any practice aiming to divert the Services to purposes other than those for which they have been created.


  1. It is strictly forbidden for Users to copy and/or divert for their own purposes or those of a third party the concept, technologies or any other element of the Website.
  2. Equally strictly forbidden are: (i) all behaviours likely to interrupt, suspend, slow or impede the Services’ continuity; (ii) all intrusions or attempts to intrude into the Company’s systems; (iii) all actions likely to divert the resources of the Website; (iv) all actions likely to impose a disproportionate burden on the Website’s infrastructures; (v) all violations of security or authentication measures; (vi) all acts likely to violate the rights and financial, commercial, or moral interests of Local Hamper or of the Website’s Users; (vii) all actions aimed at suppressing, hiding or displacing the advertisements or promotional messages found on the Website; and (viii) any breaches of these general terms and conditions.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to trade, sell or grant all or part of the access to the Services or to the Website, as well as to the information which is hosted and/or shared on it.
  4. You warrant that any Content you upload and your use of the Website complies with the standards set out in these Terms of Use, and you will be liable to us and indemnify us for any breach of that warranty. If you are a consumer user, this means you will be responsible for any loss or damage we suffer as a result of your breach of warranty.
  1. Intellectual Property
    1. Local Hamper is the owner of all intellectual property rights in the Website and any materials published on it. These rights are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved. You may only access and use the materials for personal use and you may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, modify or create derivative works of the materials (or authorise others to) for commercial gain, without a licence to do so from us.
    2. We own or are the licensee of all rights, titles, interests, in and to the Website, including all rights under patents, copyrights, data base rights, design rights, trade secrets, trademarks, and any and all other proprietary rights, including all applications, renewals, extensions and restorations thereof. Any disassembling, de-compilation, decryption, extraction, re-use, copying, or more generally any act of reproduction, representation, transmission or use of any of these elements, in part or in whole, without the authorisation of Local Hamper is strictly forbidden and may be subject to legal action.


  1. No reliance
    1. The Content on the Website is provided for general information only and is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our site, we make no representation, warranty or guarantee, whether express or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, complete or up-to-date and you acknowledge that any reliance on such information will be at your own risk.
    2. We have no obligation to verify the content of such information or to edit any such information provided by third parties.


  1. Limitation of Liability
    1. Nothing in these Terms of Use excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by Scottish law.
    2. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which may apply to our site or any content on it, whether express or implied.
    3. We will not be liable to any user for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with:
      – use of, or inability to use, our Website; or
      – use of or reliance on any Content displayed on our Website.
    4. In respect of Producers and the Local Hamper Hosts only, please note that in particular, we will not be liable for:
      • loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue;
      • business interruption;
      • loss of anticipated savings;
      • loss of business opportunity, goodwill or reputation; or
      • any indirect or consequential loss or damage.
    5. If you are a consumer user, please note that we only provide our Website for domestic and private use. You agree not to use our site for any commercial or business purposes, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
    6. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a virus, distributed denial-of-service attack, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of our Website or to your downloading of any content on it, or on any website linked to it.
    7. We assume no responsibility for the content of websites linked on our Website. Such links should not be interpreted as endorsement by us of those linked websites. We will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.


  1. Viruses
    1. We do not guarantee that our Website will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.
    2. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform in order to access our Website. You should use your own virus protection software.
    3. You must not misuse our Website by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Website, the server on which our site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our Website. You must not attack our site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Criminal Damage Act 1991. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our Website will cease immediately.


  1. Linking to Our Website
    1. You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.
    2. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.
    3. Our Website must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page or a Local Hamper home page.
    4. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.
    5. The website in which you are linking must comply in all respects with the content standards set out in these Terms of Use.
    6. If you wish to make any use of content on our site other than that set out above, please contact support@chianti-restaurant.co.uk.


  1. Third Party Links
    1. We can under no circumstances be held responsible for the technical availability of third party websites from which you gain access via the Website.
    2. We accept no liability for content, advertising, products and/or services available on such third party websites and we are not responsible for any transaction occurring between you and a third party website.


  1. Advertising
    We reserve the right to insert on any page of the Website or in any communication with users any form of advertising or commercial message. You understand that we may transmit any advertising content or promotional content on the Website and in its communication with you or other users.


  1. Waiver
    Any failure by us to require strict performance of any of your obligations under these Terms of Use, and any failure by us to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled, shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with such obligations. A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default. No waiver by us of any of these terms shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to you in writing.


  1. Severability
    If any of these Terms of Use are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision will to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.


  1. Indemnity
    If you are accessing the Website in the course of a business, you will indemnify and hold harmless Local Hamper against any charges, complaints, actions and/or claims for which Local Hamper could be held liable following any violation by you of any one of your obligations under these Terms of Use, and/or the special Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers to the extent they apply and you undertake to compensate us for any liabilities to which it could be subject and to pay for all the fees, charges and/or sentences to which we could be subject as a result.


  1. Sanctions of breaches
    1. In the event of any breach of these Terms of Use (and/or of the Special Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers to the extent they apply) or violation of applicable laws or regulations, we reserve the right to take any appropriate measure, including without limitation:
      a) suspending or terminating access to all or part of the Services of the User who committed the breach or offence and any User who participated in any such breach;
      b) removing any content published on the Website;
      c) publishing on the Website any notice that Local Hamper deems useful;
      d) alerting all relevant authorities; and/or
      e) taking legal action.
    2. Any suspension or termination shall take full effect on the date we send the communication to the User and the User’s account will be automatically cancelled without further notice, without prejudice of any other rights we may have.


  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction
    These general terms and conditions are governed by Scottish law. In the event of a dispute regarding the validity, interpretation and/or execution of these general terms and conditions, the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the scottish courts.


Section B – Sales Process

The following section explains the process by which Customers buy and sell Products on the Website via the Market sales space. Once you have registered an Account and selected a Local Hamper to join, you will be able to access any sales taking place within your chosen the Local Hamper ("Sales​"). You cannot take part in a Sale unless you are registered with the Website and a member of at least one Local Hamper.

  1. How the contract is formed between Customers and Producers
    1. Please note that when you purchase Products on the Website the resulting legal contract is between you and that Producer and is based on the terms set out in this section B (the "Agreement​"). Even though we may help facilitate the transaction, all transactions are entered into between you and the Producer, and we shall not have any liability, obligation or responsibility in connection with any transaction between you and the Producer.
    2. Each Order you place shall be deemed to be an offer by you to purchase the Products subject to this Agreement and the applicable product details. After you place an Order, you will receive an e-mail acknowledging that we have received your Order ("Order Acknowledgement​"). However, please note that the Order Acknowledgement does not mean that your offer has been accepted. The Producer’s acceptance or non-acceptance of your Order will take place as described in section 1.3 below.
    3. No Order shall be deemed to be accepted by the Producer unless the minimum revenue threshold for that specific Producer has been reached, or the Producer decides, notwithstanding that the minimum revenue has not been met, to fulfil the Order. The contract between you and the Producer will be formed when the Order confirmation email (the "Order Confirmation​") is sent to you and will relate only to those Products and/or services notified in the Order Confirmation.
    4. You understand that if a Producer’s minimum revenue threshold has not been reached the Producer is not compelled to accept your offer and, accordingly, may not fulfil Orders made by you on the Website. You will receive an Order Confirmation via email, confirming whether an Order will be fulfilled in whole, fulfilled in part, or not fulfilled at all, as the case may be, at least 6 hours before the intended collection time.
    5. You should carefully review the terms of this Agreement, the Order Confirmation and the applicable details on the product page in relation to the Order.
    6. When an offer to purchase has been accepted, Producers will do all that they can to ensure that your Order is fulfilled. Products are, however, subject to availability, market and weather conditions and seasonal changes so there may be occasions that a Product is not available for collection. If Producers are unable to deliver an item you have ordered, you will not be charged for it. We will, however, bear no liability for unavailability of Products.


  1. Access to the Sales
    1. Each Local Hamper includes a space (the "Sales Space​") in which Customers place their Orders directly with the Producers (the "Orders​") and provide payment. The sale of Products is settled directly between Customers and Producers within the Sales Space of each Local Hamper.
    2. As a result, it is compulsory for Customers to access the Sales Space to place their Orders. Customers are forbidden from proceeding in any other manner. Any sale conducted outside the Sales Space will not be considered as having taken place on the Website and releases the Local Hamper Hosts and Local Hamper from the obligations to which they are subject in these Terms of Use and the Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers.
    3. A Sale is organised through the Website as follows:
      1. Before any Sale, Producers must have created notes summarising the characteristics of their Products (the "Product File​") and establish conditions according to which they intend to sell the Products, in particular with respect to quantity and price (an "Offer​"). They must also set the minimum threshold of Orders required for an Order to be approved and for the Products to be delivered by the Producer in question, in accordance with the conditions set out hereafter.
      2. Prior to and during the Sale, the Local Hamper Host selects the Offers which will be put forward for Sale, according to the nature of the sale he or she intends to organise, and fixes the date (the "Collection Day"), as well as the timetable (the "Timetable​") in which the delivery of the Products will take place (the "Collection"). He or she informs the Producers of the selected Offers, the Collection Day and the Timetable.
      3. He or she opens the Sales and informs the Customers of the Local Hamper at least 96 hours prior to the Collection.
      4. The Local Hamper Host may also add new Offers at any time during the Sale.
      5. The Local Hamper Host and the Producer may also modify or withdraw Offers at any time. However such modifications or withdrawals bear no consequences on Orders placed by Customers before such modification or withdrawal.
      6. The Producer is irrevocably bound by the Orders placed in response to his or her Offers, and is not permitted under any circumstances to refuse to carry them out with the exception of the following cases:
        (i) force majeure;
        (ii) unavailability of the Products, in which case the Producer is to explain to Local Hamper and Customers the reasons for such unavailability; or
        (iii) the minimum threshold for Orders required by the Producer is not reached.
      7. The Sale is automatically closed at the latest at 2:00 AM the day before the delivery. However the sale of certain Products (for instance, meat and dairy products) may be closed at any time for reasons relating to organization, availability or logistics.
      8. Producers will have a period of time after a Local Hamper closes, in which to decide on whether to fulfil Orders for a Collection if they haven’t reached their minimum threshold of orders.
      9. If at the time a Sale is closed, the minimum threshold of Orders required by a Producer has not been reached, the Website will immediately inform the Customers affected that the Sale between the Customers and the Producers has been cancelled, having failed to reach the required threshold. This notification will come in the form of an email.
      10. In the event of a cancellation, Users will be informed, notably via the Order Confirmation (as defined below) which they are sent.
      11. After the closure of a Sale, the Company will produce an Order Confirmation for each Customer and Producer, summarising:
        (i) for each Producer: Order details by Customer, the total price of each Order and the price per Product, as well as the information relating to delivery (address, contact, Collection Day and Timetable); and
        (ii) for each Customer: the details and total price of his or her Order, the price per Product bought, as well as information relating to delivery (address, contact, Collection Day and Timetable).
      12. The Order Confirmations are communicated by Local Hamper Hosts to Customers and Producers at least 6 hours prior to the Collection Day.
      13. Payment of Orders as well as Delivery and Collection of the Products are completed in accordance with the provisions in sections 4 and 5 below.
    4. The Market Host may be assisted in the implementation of Sales and Collection by any User of his or her Local Hamper. Such Users acknowledge that they are acting voluntarily and in the spirit of shared community. In this respect, they waive any entitlement to remuneration, compensation or damages.


  1. Placing Orders
    1. The Sales Space and our communications to you in relation to any Order or contract will be in English. The Sales Space allows you to review your Order and make any corrections before submitting it to us and by submitting the Order you confirm that you have made any such corrections.
    2. To place an Order, Customers must select the Products from the list of Offers presented by the Producers and then selected by the Local Hamper Host. All Orders must be made within the Order deadlines specified on the Sales Space.
    3. The Customer can access a summary of the Products in their basket at any time before their Orders are confirmed. The Customer can correct potential errors at any time before the deadlines published on the Local Hamper page. Customers receive an Order Confirmation from the Local Hamper Host at the latest 6 hours before the Collection Day.
    4. Submission of an Order amounts to an offer to enter a contract to buy the Products from the individual Producers. Furthermore, as long as the Sale is open, Customers may directly cancel their Order from the Website or contact as quickly as possible the Host for assistance in cancelling their Order. The Host will endeavour to assist them with such cancellation. As soon as the Sale is closed, Customers are irrevocably bound by their Orders once the Order Confirmation is sent and such confirmed Orders cannot be cancelled as set out in section 6 below. No Order can be cancelled and no new Orders may be placed after the Sale is closed and the Order Confirmation is sent to the Customer.
    5. Local Hamper provides Customers with a technical tool summarizing their Orders and the history of their payments, which is accessible from their Account Page.


  1. Price and payments
    (a) Mechanisms of payment

    1. The sale prices of Products are displayed in the Offers, and are the exclusive responsibility of Producers. They are given Pound Sterling (£) in the UK and include any tax. The sale price fixed by the Producers includes all commission owed to Local Hamper Host and to Local Hamper. No supplement may be billed for the delivery and the Collection of Products on the Collection Day.
    2. The total price is stated in the Offer at the time the Order is placed and is due for payment when the Order is placed.
    3. Payment is made online, through the Payment Service or by any other means offered on the Website.
    4. Payment must be received before completion of the Sale. A payment authorisation is produced and the Customer’s bank account will be immediately debited.
    5. The Company will issue an invoice in the name of and on behalf of the Producers for all purchases made after the Local Hamper Host has approved delivery of the Products as set out herein.

      (b) User Electronic Payment

    6. When Customers carry out a payment in accordance with the conditions set out above, the payment process takes place in the following manner:
      (i) Once a Customer has placed his or her Order, he or she is invited to provide payment in accordance with the mechanisms described in paragraph a) above.
      (ii) The Customer’s bank account is immediately debited in the amount corresponding to the sum total of Orders placed.
      (iii) The sum debited from the Customer’s account is automatically transferred to the Customer’s e-wallet.
      (iv) Refunds for Customers must be processed before a Collection is marked as completed. Refunds will need to be dealt with outside of the Local Hamper platform after a Collection is marked as closed
      (iv) Once a Host marks a Collection as completed, funds are transferred to the Producers and Host e-wallet and then transferred to their bank account. Transfers to the Producers and Host bank accounts can take up to 2 business days to process.
      (v) Commission due to Local Hamper is paid after a Host marks a Collection as closed.
    7. An E-Wallet is allocated to the Customers in Order to implement the Services, and to provide the payment described above. This E-Wallet is linked to the bank account Customers use to pay for purchases they make on the Website.
    8. When Customers carry out a payment in accordance with the conditions set out above, the payment process takes place in the following manner:
      1. Once a Customer has placed his or her Order, he or she is invited to provide payment in accordance with the mechanisms described in paragraph a) above.
      2. The Customers bank account is immediately debited in the amount corresponding to the sum total of Orders placed.
      3. The sum debited from the Customer’s account is then held in the E-Wallet.
      4. Upon the Host closing of the Collection, the payment is transferred to the Producers Electronic Wallet. In the event that a Collection is cancelled, particularly if the minimum threshold of Orders set by the Producer is not reached, the sum corresponding to undelivered Products will then be refunded directly to the Customers bank account.
      5. The commission due to Local Hamper Host and Local Hamper is then debited and immediately transferred by the Payment Service, from the Producers E-Wallet to their bank account.


  1. Delivery of the Products
  1. Delivery of the Products at a Collection is carried out in accordance with the following provisions:
    1. It is carried out directly between the Customers or their Agent and the Producers or their Agent on a delivery site chosen by the Local Hamper Host.
    2. The Local Hamper Host is present on the Collection Day during the Timetable and verifies the conformity of the delivered Products with the Order Confirmation.
    3. Customers commit to taking delivery of the Products they have ordered through the Local Hamper to which they belong, directly from the Producers or their Agent, on the Collection Day and during the Timetable. Customers must also immediately verify the conformity of the Products with the Order Confirmation, in the presence of the Local Hamper Host. Customers cannot refuse or return any Product which matches the Order Confirmation.
    4. If a Customer does not receive all of the Products he or she has ordered, he or she must immediately inform the Local Hamper Host. In this event, the Customer will be refunded the sum corresponding to the undelivered Product(s).
    5. The Local Hamper Host must either return all Products, which a Customer has failed to take delivery of beyond the Timetable to the Producer or their Agent along with any items not in conformity with the Order Confirmation; or make arrangements with the Customer for an alternative collection point upon agreement with the Producer.
    6. Customers expressly accept that they are not able to ask for a refund or a later delivery of Products which they have ordered but failed to take delivery.
    7. In the absence of any confirmation according to the provisions set out above, the delivery of Products in accordance with the Order Confirmations will be considered confirmed by the Local Hamper Host.
    8. Confirmation of delivery of the Products entails the issuing of invoices, to the Customers and Producers by any appropriate means, as well as commission invoices for Local Hamper and Local Hamper Hosts, which are sent to the Local Hamper Hosts and the Producers by any appropriate means.
    9. Any registered Customer can assist other registered Customers, in compliance with these Terms of Use and the Terms of Use for Hosts and Producers if they shall apply. This Customer agrees to intervene in a voluntary basis and in accordance with a collaborative and community approach. This Customer agrees not to claim any remuneration or compensation of any form whatsoever for its services.


  2. Delivery of the Products by the Host or nominated agent of the Host is carried out in accordance with the following provisions:
    1. Offering delivery as a service is at the discretion of the Host and operated by the Host or nominated agent by the Host.
    2. Local Hamper accepts no responsibility for the storage and transport of goods or personnel performing the service.
    3. It is at the discretion of Local Hamper to suspend a Markets delivery service due to unprofessional practice.
    4. Any issues or damages cause during the delivery service are the responsibility of the Host and remunerations due to either Producers or Customers must be arranged external to the Local Hamper platform.
    5. The person performing the delivery whether a nominated 3rd party or the Host themselves must hold a valid full license and insurance.
    6. The person performing the delivery must be presentable and represent the Local Hamper brand to the highest standard.
    7. While performing the delivery it will be the responsibility of the Host to store the products correctly, in line with food safety requirements.


  1. Complaints
    Users commit to submit complaints only to the Local Hamper Host regarding the Products or the Services. The Local Hamper Host will transmit these accordingly, to the Producers and/or Local Hamper. An answer will be provided as soon as possible.